Sports of All Sorts Youth Association’s RECREATIONAL YOUTH CO-ED BASKETBALL
program focuses on child development on and off the basketball court.
Our motto “Teaching young Athletes life’s lessons and values through Athletics while focusing on FUN, FITNESS & FELLOWSHIP as its key principles” is the foundation in which this program rests on.
Our Program starts with children 5 years to 18 years of age. Games are played on both
Saturday’s and through the week. A typical session will have eight Saturday games and two
weeknight games. Each Season runs approximately nine weeks and includes a one and out
tournament at the end of each season.
The league format is:
Under 7 division, This is a co-ed only division.
The basic fundamentals of the game are taught. Players play on 8 foot rims.
Under 9 division, both boys and girls divisions are offered or girls can elect to play in the
boys division. In cases where there are not enough girls to hold its on division, players will be combined and placed in a co-ed league format.
The basic skills and fundamentals are expanded and basic tactics are introduced.
Players move up to 9 foot rims.
Under 11 division, both boys and girls divisions are offered or girls can elect to play in the
boys division. The focus remains on teaching the basic skills and fundamentals but strategy
and tactics are expanded. This division requires each team to play a zone in the first half and man-to-man defense in the second half. Players now play on 10 foot rims. If there are not enough girls to host an all girl league, they will automatically be placed in the boys / coed division.
Under 13 division, both boys and girls divisions are offered or girls can elect to play in the
boys division. This division follows Kentucky High School Athletic Association rules and guidelines, except where noted in the Sports of All Sorts Youth Association league rule handbook. If there are not enough girls to host an all girl league, they will automatically be placed in the boys / coed division.
Under 15 and Under 19 divisions, only boys/co-ed divisions are offered in these divisions.
These divisions follow Kentucky High School Athletic Association rules and guidelines, except where noted in the Sports of All Sorts Youth Association league rule handbook.
Our season format is a 10 game season plus a one and out end of season tournament.
Our season lasts approximately 9 weeks. As per our flyers and advertisements you will see that admission is charged for the recreational basketball program. The admission goes to offset the cost of the referee’s that work your child’s game. All officials are National Federation of High School certified and trained and many you will see working your local high school freshmen, junior varsity and varsity basketball games. The league registration fee goes towards t-shirts, awards, insurance and court usage for both practices and games.
For more information regarding our programs, please email our
Director, Perry Wing at
Our Recreational programs form teams based upon the following format:
COACH REQUEST – If a child wants to play for a certain coach and that coach has not exceeded the total number of players allowed, then we try and place that child with that coach.
PLAYER REQUEST – Generally this is not a problem because we all know that friends want to play with other friends when they can, so if the requested friend registers and they do not have other restrictions such as coach request, then we try and honor the request and place the friends together.
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION – When one of the first two are not received then we place players with other players as close to home or school as possible in an effort that they may recognize players or start forming new friendships.
BLIND DRAFT – Well sometimes we just cannot fulfill one of the other three so we then try and form teams by simply using the equal balance drafting procedure in which we go through all registrations left in a division and take one from each pile. The “Pile” is broken down by age and gender.
Once all teams are formed we then rely on Volunteer Coaches to teach your child during the basketball season. If you have ever wanted to get involved with your child, coaching is a great way to do it. Also, all head coaches receive a 50% discount on their child’s registration that plays on that team.
The First step after registration and team formation is the coaches meeting. During this meeting, items such as rules, rosters, and codes of conduct for coaches, players and spectators are discussed. Also, during this meeting each coach has the opportunity to request a practice time that is suitable to their busy schedule. After the meeting the coaches are asked to contact all players on their roster and let them know when practice will be held and the coach’s information such as name, and phone number. Also, parents can click on the link “FIND MY CHILD’S COACH” to see what coach they have been assigned to and also what night and time they may practice once the coach meeting is held.
REGISTER NOW for our next league. You can get all of our upcoming league information on our home page by clicking on
“Upcoming league Registration information”